Governmental Partners
of the Association of Recruitment Agencies of Moldova (ARA)
Governmental Partners
The Association of Recruitment Agencies (ARA) of Moldova has established long-term partnerships with key governmental institutions. These collaborations ensure a streamlined and effective process for preventing illegal migration, human trafficking, and labor exploitation. Together, we create a robust communication system between public authorities and civil society to achieve tangible results in international workforce placement. Our partnerships with these institutions allow us to provide comprehensive legal and logistical support to workers, ensuring their rights and well-being are safeguarded.

ARA's Governmental Partners
National Agency for Employment of Moldova Inspectorate for Migration for Combating Human Trafficking of the Republic of Moldova in Poland Services Agency of Moldova of Labor and Social Protection Aspects of Our Cooperation
Preventing Illegal Migration and Human Trafficking
Establishing Communication Systems
Developing Institutional Capacities
24/7 Assistance Center
Centralized Control System
Employer Verification
Information Exchange
International Partnerships
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