The BRAWAL company is an organization registered in the Republic of Moldova, specialized in the recovery of debts held by recruitment agencies and creditor transport companies from people who have been provided services without advance payment. Through its debt collection system, BRAWAL is committed to ensuring the collection of amounts owed in an efficient and professional manner.
A classic example of how the BRAWAL company works is by connecting its debt recovery system with the air ticket sales systems of the and portals. These portals are online platforms for selling plane and bus tickets for travel in Europe. Through a collaboration contract with the BRAWAL company, which is the owner of the commercial brand, the and portals offer plane and bus tickets to travelers, without requiring advance payment for these tickets.
Travelers who purchase such tickets have 30 days to pay the cost of the ticket without incurring late fees or penalties. If the traveler does not pay the cost of the ticket within 30 days, according to the collaboration contract, the and portals send the problem file to the BRAWAL specialists.
BRAWAL company specialists deal with the court process and the forced recovery of the amounts owed, including commissions and late penalties. They use different methods and legal tools to ensure the recovery of debts, thus strengthening the fair trade relations between the parties.
BRAWAL has a close collaboration with and, two famous portals for plane and bus ticket sales. Through this collaboration, BRAWAL ensures that the amounts due for travel tickets purchased through these portals are recovered efficiently and in accordance with the contractual terms.
It is important to note that BRAWAL does not only deal with the recovery of receivables in the field of transport, but also those arising from the services provided by recruitment agencies. Many candidates involved in the recruitment process do not have sufficient financial resources to cover the costs of going to work abroad. Thus, the ARA association (Association for Recruitment in Agriculture) proposes the cost of transport to the work location with subsequent payment, after a period of 30 days.
If a passenger benefits from the transport services without paying the amount owed in advance and does not make the payment within 30 days, the mechanism, managed by the BRAWAL company, intervenes. It takes over the problematic file and deals with the recovery of the debt properly and efficiently, applying the necessary legal procedures.
Therefore, the BRAWAL company plays an essential role in the recovery of receivables from the recruitment and transport industry in the Republic of Moldova, ensuring an efficient and professional recovery process. Collaboration with the and portals demonstrates the company’s commitment to providing quality services and maintaining fair and transparent commercial relations.
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